

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Awareness Campaign: ED Marketing Scams

List of people as part of the awareness campaign on NR and Freelee
March 31, 2014

Key Issues:
-         *  NR promotes BAD SCIENCE and directly targets people with ED, charging for his ‘program’. He has few followers and is a known bully, also promotes NLP (a discredited approach) for curing EDs.  He also runs a number of support groups online and has potential to be very damaging to people in need of professional help.  Promotes himself as an ED specialist.
-          * Freelee has over 100,000 followers on Instagram, over 30,000 on youtube and is a well know Australian ‘health’ personality.  She is a Fruitarian, promoting a fruit only diet and promoting herself as a recovered anorexic/bulimic.  Fruitarian diets are dangerous and not medically approved.  Freelee further discusses being ‘thin’, being able to get a ‘thigh-gap’,  is potentially medically dangerous and certainly triggering.

Key approaches
-          * Use of Twitter, fb and email to engaged regulatory authorizes in Australia (and the USA) and notify them of the danger of these two groups
-          Use of social media to engage the press in Australia and beyond to request them to do a story (print, radio, TV) on either or both of these companies.
-         *  Ask eating disorder groups in Australia to warn members of the groups and potentially take up the issue with health/communications regulatory authorities.
-          * Messaging to make the existing ED community of activitists, those in recovery, parents to be aware of the scams.

Key messages
-          * stop ED scams
-          * truth in advertising , eg. Neither of these groups have the proper accreditation to give health advice
-          * ensure public is aware that they are both targeting people with ED

List of contacts to date
(Thanks for Fiona for many of these!)
News organisations

@jg_rat John Grey – editor 
@jendudley Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson – Technology reporter and blogger The Courier-Mail
@lyndalcairns Lyndal Cairns – online editor 
@cowspanker David Higgins – Editor 
@rodpeno Rod Peno – Social Media Producer at News Digital Media
@penbo David Penberthy – editor of The Punch, former editor of the Daily Telegraph
@colgo Paul Colgan – Managing Editor of The Punch
@diversionary Simon Wright – designer 
@aramadge Andrew Ramadge – 
news.com.au technology reporter
@newsbee Lanai Vasek -
news.com.au business owner editor
@edmundtadros Edmund Tadros – 
news.com.au business editor
@mclayfield Matthew Clayfield – journalist The Australian
@sarahelks Sarah Elks – Brisbane-based journalist The Australian
@meadea Amanda Meade – Media journalist The Australian
@sally_jackson Sally Jackson – Media journalist The Australian
@joe_hildebrand Joe Hildebrand – Daily Telegraph blogger
@cate3221 Cate Swannell – Gold Coast Bulletin journalist
@rodsavage Rod Savage – AdelaideNow editor
@JohnBirmingham John Birmingham – blogging with Brisbane Times
@valeriekhoo Valerie Khoo – enterprise blogger
@annabelcrabb Annabel Crabb
@ashermoses Asher Moses – technology journalist
@curious_scribe Glenda Kwek – journalist and multimedia
@brontegirl Kimberley Porteous – multimedia editor
@paulwiggins Paul Wiggins – online editor
@lucasng Lucas Ng – search and analytics director fairfax digital
@kuns Mike van Niekirk – editor-in-chief online – fairfax media
@jvdouglas – IT and business journalist with BRW
@miafreedman Mia Freedman Essential Baby blog, columnist Sun-Herald and Sunday AgeABC
@abcmarkscott Mark Scott – managing director
@mariekehardy Marieke Hardy – triple j breakfast
@myfwarhurst Myfanwy Warhurst – ABC
@kteej Kaitlyn Sawrey – triplej Hack journalist
@rosieryan Rosanna Ryan – ABC online journalist, new media tutor at QUT
@nic_macbean Nic MacBean – ABC journalist
@paulverhoeven Paul verhoeven – triplej
@awrd Andrew Davies – ABC Radio National producer (Future Tense, previously The Media Report)
@leighsales Leigh Sales – ABC Lateline presenter
@marcfennell Marc Fennell – Triple J film critic and ABC Local Radio
@kingleonard Leanord King – internet video specialist ABC news online
@garykemble Gary Kemble – ABC journalist and blogger
@dellvink Amanda Dell – 612 ABC Brisbane
@colvinius Mark Colvin – Presenter of PM, ABC RadioCrikey
@BethEveNYC – Yahoo Shine
Department of Health Australia – au.health
Australian Communication and Media Association – amsa
@ehealthAus  - Australian E-Health
@nhmrc – National Medical Research Council
@FTC –Federal Trade Commission

Eating Disorder Advocates
Butterfly Foundation – bfoundation
Brian Cuban – bcuban
@Bfoundation – Butterfly Foundation


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