

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Consumer Action: How about we DON'T "Rescue the Anorexia Girl" by throwing food at her?!

Amazon and SmartTouch Media Fail!

Consumer Action: How about we DON'T "Rescue the Anorexia Girl" by throwing food at her?!

Thanks to a mom in the U.K. for alerting fellow parents at Eating Disorder Parent Support and International Eating Disorder Action for bringing this to our attention. The mocking of eating disorders is a direct contributing factor to societal lack of understanding that eating disorders are serious, genetic, brain-based illnesses with a psychosocial component related to temperament. These are treatable illnesses and yet anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness--and societal misunderstanding contributes to that. 

Please join us in emailing Amazon through their "contact us" function and doing the same with the App Development company (scroll down) and in expressing your dismay on Twitter.

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